Carpooling reduces the total number of commute trips made because each passenger, in addition to the driver, represents one less vehicle trip. By sharing the ride, carpoolers save money on fuel, insurance, and car maintenance.

RideSmart partners with Commuter Connections (operated by Metropolitan Washington COG) to provide a free ride-matching service that helps connect commuters who share similar schedules or travel patterns.
- Save time and money
- Guaranteed rides home
- Earn cash with incenTrip
- Earn cash for flexing your trips

RideSmart has partnered with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) and their Virginia-wide ConnectingVA program to provide free ridematching to find carpools, vanpools, and all forms of public transportation, trip planning, and information on park-and-ride lots, bike share services, electric vehicle charging stations, and rewards.
- Find rides
- Record trips
- Earn rewards
Carpooling Advantages
- Less stress commuting to and from work
- Financial savings due to sharing commuting costs
- Increases free time for riders
- If an Express Lane is available, trips may take less time
- Reduces air pollution due to emissions
- Reduces the need for parking
Guaranteed Ride Home
Commuters registered with Commuter Connections are eligible to participate in the Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) program, sponsored by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG).
Express Lanes and More!
Carpooling can reduce time spent on the road, because carpools can use Express Lanes, such as the I-66 Express Lanes which are toll-free for vehicles with 3 or more passengers.
When they’re not behind the wheel, carpoolers can read, nap, or chat during their commute, reducing the stress of the drive. Carpooling also helps reduce air pollution, traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions.